Sunday, July 26, 2015

Many Years Later

It occurred to me tonight that Nathan has never seen this blog, much read any of the stories. I'll make a mental note to make sure he does... one day... but for now this seems like a great time (albeit long overdue) to update everyone on his progress.

Nate has been doing very well as the years have progressed. He's far less dependent on medicine and supplemental calories than ever before. Last month we found out that he's lactose-intolerant, so we've had him taking Lactaid pills before dairy. Small discoveries like this have helped us adjust his diet to a point where he's steadily gaining weight.

He's been very active in sports and other activities. He played baseball for a few years and started playing soccer last year. This summer I started taking him to the driving range to hit golf balls; he loves the sport so we even got him his own set of clubs and he started taking lessons. In his second round on a real golf course he even got his first honest-to-goodness birdie!

Here's a short video I took from the driving range today. He's still building up distance but he has a pretty nice swing to work with.

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