Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday Post-Op, 11/20/07

The surgeon finally came up around 20 minutes ago. It was a very long surgery but the results were positive. They ended up reconnecting his intestines in 4 different spots, with some additional minor repairs and cleanup of scar tissue. Nathan will remain on the breathing tube for a couple days, a G tube for feeding, a catheter in his abdomen in case of leaking, and the broviac (central line) he already had, for nutrition and fluids. The incision was stapled up due to the possibility for infection, with the stomas left open and packed (with gauze) to allow them to heal properly.

Christa and I are in the waiting room now, waiting for them to get him situated in the PICU. We'll be heading home once we have a chance to go in and see him. We're hoping to have him home by Christmas, but there's no guarantees. As usual, I'll try to post updates over the next few days as he comes out of sedation and is extabated.

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