Friday, August 10, 2007

Saturday Evening, 8/11/07

I know there wasn't an update last night, but not much happened yesterday. That's what makes this so tough, the healing process is very slow and we're forced to become very patient. If you're a family member who we've been brief with, please understand that we will pass on information as soon as we have it. This is a painfully slow recovery period, and there's nothing we can do to make it happen faster; it's all up to the little guy lying in that hospital bed.

Today was very much like yesterday, in so far as the healing is still slow going. There was plenty of waiting and watching while doctors and nurses inspected his chest for signs of pressure. Around 6pm they rolled him out to perform a CT scan on his lungs. They finally returned after 7pm and confirmed that he had more fluid accumulated around his other lung, and they would be inserting a new tube to extract the fluid. Christa and I took a quiet walk around the hospital while the procedure was going on.

Another hour later, the tube was finished and extracting plenty of fluid. His CO2 was elevated; I asked the nurse and she confirmed that they were expecting it to go down as the fluid decreased. The chief attending pulled us aside to show us the CT scans. We could see the fluid taking up at least 50% of the left lung's capacity. This is the same problem he had earlier in the week with his right lung, we're optimistic the procedure will return noticeable results by tomorrow morning.

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