Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday Morning, 8/12/07

We crawled through Orioles/Red Sox traffic on our way to UMMC this morning. Nathan's CO2 is still high, even with the fluid drained around his other lung. The doctors feel that the adema (swelling of fluid) is putting pressure on his diaphragm, making it difficult for him to expel enough CO2. They said he is still passing enough urine, so the nurse gave Nathan some Lasix to help drain more fluid.

Seeing no improvement over the last few days is very disheartnening. It's not that I'm worried he's going to get worse, it's just that we hope every morning to see something tangible as a result of everyone's hard work and prayers. We know he's fighting very hard to get better and it's very frustrating, as parents, to feel so helpless. I had to come down to the waiting area for a bit to meditate alone and share my thoughts in the blog.

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