Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday Morning, 9/26/07

It's amazing what a difference a couple of days can make. Last weekend was a little depressing. Nathan was having problems with his ostomy bag. The nurses were having a hard time getting anything to fit him properly, which resulted in leaks and was causing his skin to get irritated. On top of that, he was spitting up quite a bit, which was also irritating his throat and skin. They don't have anyone on staff for the weekends that specializes in ostomies for kids, so we had to wait for Monday.

They still had some difficulties getting an ostomy bag fitting well, even through Tuesday, but it seems to be better now. He isn't leaking much, and they're making sure to empty it more frequently. His intestines seem to be working great after this surgery. His weaning schedule is almost done, and his spirits have been up (probably since I haven't been around to hassle him). Christa has been working with the physical therapist, and they've been able to get Nathan standing up and walking around with assistance. She plans to take him for a walk down the hall today.

They're going to try and replace his pic line today. He'll be going down to the Radiology department for the procedure. If that doesn't work, he might have to go to the Operating Room. We're optimistic that everything will go fine in Radiology, but this experience has taught us that bad things often follow good times, so we're patient.

Some very cool news from yesterday. Christa IM'd me (instant message) around 3:30 in the afternoon to ask me if I've ever heard of "Bryan Roberts". Admittedly, I'm not near the MLB fan that I used to be, but I've been to an Orioles game this year and drive right by Camden Yards every time I go to the hospital. So I knew immediately that she was talking about the O's 2nd baseman, Brian Roberts (who happens to be having another good year at the plate). It turns out that Brian stopped by the hospital to see the kids in the Children's Hospital. He visited Nathan, bringing a t-shirt, autograph, an O's cap, and a toy car. Nathan's really too young to know who he is, but I hear that Brian was able to get a smile out of him. According to Christa, Brian had heart surgery when he was five years old. I don't know if he does this because a) he's a great guy, b) he can sympathize with the kids due to his own past, or c) the O's marketing department made him. Either way, it made my day. I'm not an O's fan, but I'll never forget this gesture. If Brian or anyone from the O's staff ever gets to read this, please know that this is a wonderful thing you do... not just for the kids, but for the parents too. Thank you very much for the time that Brian got to spend with our son.

And here I am, wiping away the tears. I'm such a wuss. :)

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