Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday Morning, 10/2/2007

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. If you've been following closely, you probably know this means things are moving forward in a positive manner, slowly. Updates are much more frequent when there is bad news and I need to get stuff off my chest.

I started a new project at a customer site last week, where I have no access to the Internet. This means that I have less time to post blog entries, since I'm at work all day and with Nathan in the evening. I appreciate your patience while I try to bring you more news on his recovery.

In short, not much has changed over the last week. He's walking with assistance and generally in a good mood. His favorite movie seems to be Kiki's Delivery Service. If you like other movies by Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle), you'll definitely like this one. The plot is less heavy than some of his other stories, and is more of a young child's anime. Even though it seems like a girl's movie (about a young witch finding her purpose), it's really good for all ages, boy or girl.

The doctors are hoping Nathan can be home in a couple weeks. No promises, it all depends on Nathan. Gotta run.

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