Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Evening, 11/19/07

It's been a while since I updated the blog, but the story has been the same. A leaking ostomy bag here, an allergic reaction there, and a very long wait until his next surgery. Wash, rinse, repeat. Finally, we've reached the eve of his last surgery (we hope). Nathan will be going back into the operating room tomorrow to have his intestines reattached and his ostomy removed. With the stomas and ostomy gone, his skin can begin to heal. And with an intact intestine, hopefully he can start to absorb his multivitamins.

For what it's worth, his spirits have remained high. He wants to walk and play whenever his condition will allow. The only thing holding him back has been the bag. He is very chatty with the staff and enjoys spending time with his sister playing games and watching movies. He's even been known to run after her (more of a fast shuffle) when he gets really excited. Everyone in the pediatric hospital is very familiar with Nathan and completely adore him. His chubby little cheeks (due to the extra IV fluids) and long, scruffy hair just add to his appeal. It's amazing what he's been through, and I hope this next procedure starts us down the path to his full recovery.

I will try to update the blog tomorrow as the surgery happens, but there probably won't be any news until after they're done.

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