Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday Op-Update, 11/20/07

We've gotten a few small updates from the hospital staff. A couple hours ago one of the nurses called my cell to let me know that the surgeon incised Nathan around 1:40pm and that he was stable. About 30 minutes ago, the anesthesiologist stopped by to let us know that they had to leave the breathing tube in Nathan, but that everything else was proceeding fine and he was stable. A few minutes ago, a doctor came by and told us that Nathan was doing well. The good news is that it's official; he won't require an ostomy going forward (there was still a small possibility). It also sounds like they had to remove very little of his remaining intestines and that things look positive for a full recovery. He also said that Nathan would still be in surgery for another 3 hours, so we've got a ways to go yet.

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