Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday Morning, 11/1/2007

Just a quick update to get everyone up to speed. I'll try to post more details this evening.

Nathan was released last Friday and went home with us. He was very lethargic all weekend. By Monday they recommended we bring him back to the ER at UMMS. His blood pressure was very low, heart rate was very high, and he just wanted to sleep. They admitted him and moved him up to the PICU, after taking a quick CT scan of his brain (everything appeared normal). They immediately drew labs and began to cultivate his cultures. He also began taking dopamine and norepinephrine for his blood pressure, and was put on the breathing tube late Tuesday as a precaution.

The doctors and surgeons were perplexed by his condition. He didn't have a fever, but showed the symptoms of an infection. After much research, his surgeon came back with the possibility that he's depleted of vitamins. Because of his allergic reaction after the 2nd surgery, they had discontinued multivitamins in his TPN. In its place, the nutritionist suggested vitamins by mouth. In hindsight, he's been unable to absorb most anything taken orally, so he's basically been living off of vitamin stores for the last month or so. Apparently he finally ran out and his body went into a "low gear", so to speak.

They immediately began him on thiamine and other vitamins yesterday morning and it showed very quick results. As of last night, he was extibated (removed the breathing tube) and had all fluids removed except his general IV. We watched Toy Story 2 together until he fell asleep.

I called the hospital this morning and he is doing great. They are going to remove his foley and arterial lines soon, and he's being moved to a room in the IMC (step down from the ICU, step up from the regular wings). Christa is on her way now, and I'll be going in tomorrow night to see him. I'd love to see him released tomorrow, but I suspect it may be as late as Monday. I don't think they'll release him on the weekend, and they will probably be hesitant to do it as quickly as tomorrow.

1 comment:

Perry Lynch said...

Wow. You know, I've had 4 or 5 emails open to send you in the last few days, with the intention of asking you for an update. But I had decided each time to let you enjoy your boy a little.

Poor little guy! Please give him a hug for me when you see him.