Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday Morning, 8/13/07

Sunday was another day of sitting and hoping that Nathan would turn the corner on his recovery. His body still hasn't started to relieve the swelling as everyone had expected by now. He has continued with a low-grade fever (~101F) for the last few days, although the doctors say that all tests have returned no signs of infection. Unfortunately, his body's ability to combat the adema is in hiatus while it tries to fight some infection that doesn't seem to exist.

The doctors are considering their options for finding the "magic bullet" that will kick-start Nathan's system into recovery. Another surgery might be necessary to visually inspect his bowels and insert a catheter if there are any pockets of fluid that they're unable to detect via ultrasound/x-ray. Christa has been trying to meet with the attending surgeon as they make their rounds through the PICU. Hopefully she can hook up with them today to get more details on their imminent plans.

This past weekend hit us hard. We were all expecting Nathan to be headway into recovery. Waking up each morning and calling the PICU, only to hear the same story, is very trying. And yet, I'm hopeful that every tomorrow will be the day our little man turns that corner.

Thank you to everyone who has sent their prayers and wishes for Nathan's recovery. It means a lot to our entire family, especially Christa and myself. Our daughter, Alyssa, is having a great time with her Grandma Sherry who is visiting from Colorado. I'm hard on my mom sometimes, but she really came through for us in our time of need. Mom, if you're reading this, please know that I love you very much and will never be able to express how grateful I am for you being here right now.

P.S. You still get on my nerves. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful site you have dedicated to your son's struggle. Your mom is an old friend of mine. We actually met you when you were a little boy (in Aurora).

I just wanted you to know that I and several more people that you don't know, are joining in on praying for your son and your family. May God bless you all!

Linda Divan